Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Indonesian Complicated Problems

Hi.. guys !
General Election is about the way to come. There are many groups of people with their exagerated performances. Parties' T-shirts in various colour; parties' flags; jargons; "wishy-washy" promises; boring advertisement and many other speech that outwardly perfect from the parties' icon men. They are racing to give their promise, and for me their promises are simply the same as their words almost five years ago! It sometimes makes my stomach full, and want to throw up. Hueek.... ! Their former words are not fulilled yet, and they have courage to say it again ! No sense of shyness !
Sense of Shyness, yes ... hallo... can we find this in our beloved countries ?!
Perhatiin aja tuh para artis yang wara-wiri di layar gelas, gak punya malu umbar pusar , tetek, ketek ampe kalo diijinin belahan pantat juga perlu diexpose. Kalo perlu pas mandi juga boleh diliatin... Hi ! NGERRRIII... ! So, how can we stop this symptomps ?
Look at our man in House Representatives, look at the icon man of parties, the spoke person,.... look at them and we will find more horribble actions. Anggota DPR korupsi, pesta sex di kamar hotel, ikutan jadi penipu; jurkam yang berbicara ceplos-ceplos saling mengkritik dan menjelekkan satu sama lain; kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung berkurangnya sense oh Shyness ini. You may look at television, people are not embarrased to punch, to hit to push their next side just to have a litre or two gassoline, kerosene or one - two kilograms of sugar. They are pleased to harm other people to get their needs. No sense of awkwardness means no sense of humanity. I'm just tired of listening and thinking of these. So for the leaders to be ??? Don't know ... ! I will choose the one I KNOW well. And I don't care about the rest. I don't know them I whoever they are, I believe that we will have the same thing. Indonesia has a complicated problems and it needs more time to seperate each scrumbled threads. It needs a hardwork. Really !!!
C U guys... I'll take some pills for my headache. Succes just be for us ! Always... Amien

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